The Cure House is a speciality meat processor with a primary focus on
biltong and the ethical farming and treatment of animals
Great biltong comes from great beef.
As we use beef on the bone, we get to make other products using the beef that doesn’t go into biltong, like our Ballie burgers (aged beef and pork burger patties), aged steaks and mince. We also make cured pork products like salami and coppa ham.
So we make products that make people happy.
The ABC’s Of Beef Grading
A Grade has been promoted as the premium grade of beef,
tender with an attractive white fat.
However, there are a few facts that need your consideration.
A feedlot must take the animal soon after weening (7 to 8 months old) and start feeding it grain in order to reach maturity
before it cuts its first incisors. But you can’t reach the desired
carcass weights on feed alone.
They need growth stimulants, hormones, ‘roids Bra!
We choose to process AB’s and early B’s for a few good reasons:
You can achieve the carcass weights without the hormones
Grass raised animals just taste better. Try the yellow fat on our biltong for proof.
Grass raised animals are living where they belong…